Oklahoma Enacts AFW-Supported Law to Block Anti-American Energy Extremists from State Deals

May 13th, 2022

To ensure Oklahoma continues to lead the Nation in energy production, Governor Stitt signed the America First Works-supported Energy Discrimination Elimination Act (HB2034) into law this week. This new law, which will take effect on November 1, 2022, protects Oklahoma from engaging in deals with corporations that boycott oil and gas production.

“Anti-American extremist groups are using corporations to impose their political ideology and bully American energy companies, only causing more pain at the pump for families,” said Ashley Hayek, executive director for American First Works. “Thanks to Governor Stitt’s leadership and supporters from both parties in the Oklahoma legislature, this new law will end these practices.”

This new law provides the state of Oklahoma with the ability to combat politically motivated and discriminatory investment practices promoted by extreme environmental groups, who are weaponizing environmental, social, and governance investing principles for their own ends.

Read more about the legislation HERE.

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