NEW BOOK LAUNCH: ‘Beat the Elites’ by AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek

October 5th, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, America First Works Executive Director Ashley Hayek launched her new book “BEAT THE ELITES” available at and Amazon, which exposes a pattern taking shape in Washington—the “elites” waging war on the American people. Here is what people are saying:

“Ashley Hayek echoes the spirit of our nation’s forefathers with her compelling and resounding voice. ‘Beat the Elites’ is not just a book, but a patriotic call to action – an essential read that rekindles the flame of American resilience.” Brooke L. Rollins, President and CEO of the America First Policy Institute, Senior Advisor to America First Works, former Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Chief White House Strategist

“This is a must read for every American who loves our nation and is determined to fight for freedom.” Linda McMahon, former Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Chair of the America First Policy Institute

“Ashley Hayek, is an accomplished strategist, who has had an incredible career including serving as the Executive Director of Women for Trump during the 2020 Presidential campaign. Building on the tremendous opportunity she had to work firsthand with the people throughout America during the Trump campaign, she has put pen to paper and written, Beat the Elites, in which she lays out her unique perspective as to how the elites have worked against the ideals of America and are in fact seizing power from the American people.” David Bernhardt, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior

“The ‘elites’ have preyed on the people and our rights for too long, but we have the power to fight back. Ashley Hayek, a new leader with a bold message, shows us how, making her book a must read and must share.” Ken Blackwell, Former Ohio Secretary of State of Ohio and Chair of the Center for Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute

“The so-called ‘elites’ have undermined America for far too long. Thanks to Ashley Hayek’s lightning bolt of a book, their day will soon be done.” Jack Brewer, former NFL safety and Chair of AFPI’s Center for Opportunity Now

“Beat the Elites is an incredible book by Ashley. It not only exposes the threat to America we face today but provides a plan for every patriot willing to stand for liberty.” Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Keith Kellogg, Co-Chair for AFPI’s Center for American Security and Former National Security Advisor to the Vice President

“The time has come for every American to defend our freedoms. Beat the Elites shows us why and how.” Ambassador Carla Sands, Vice Chair, Center for Energy and Environment, America First Policy Institute and US Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark (ret.)

“Ashley Hayek’s Beat the Elites is a powerful and thought-provoking read that fearlessly exposes the flaws within our society. With a compelling blend of passion and insight, Hayek’s call to action resonates deeply, making this book a must-read for all patriots who seek to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change. Prepare to be inspired and motivated by this eye-opening indictment of the elites.” Matt Whitaker, Former Acting U.S. Attorney General and author of Above the Law

As “BEAT THE ELITES” details with explosive evidence, the “elites” in Washington are making the American people poorer while they get rich, destroying American jobs while never losing theirs, violating Americans’ rights while they protect their own, and putting Americans in danger while they remain safe and sound.

BEAT THE ELITES” is published by America First Publishing, and the ISBN is 979-8-9890429-0-6. The book is 235 pages long.

For media inquiries or to request a copy for review, please email

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