AFW: Remove Mayorkas from Office

WASHINGTON, D.C. – America First Works (AFW) released the following statement applauding the House of Representatives for finally impeaching Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. AFW is now calling on the Senate to proceed to trial and remove him. “AFW applauds the House for the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas. Since last year, AFW has been calling […]

AFW: Mayorkas Impeachment Failure is Inexcusable

WASHINGTON, D.C. – America First Works (AFW) calls on the House of Representatives to correct their failure and impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for systematically refusing to enforce the law and secure the border: “Last year, AFW called for the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas for making false statements before Congress as well as his dereliction of duty, resulting […]

AFW Applauds Ohio Legislature for Protecting Children and Overriding Gov. DeWine’s Veto

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Works (AFW) praised the Ohio General Assembly for overriding Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of H.B. 68, the SAFE Act, which protects Ohio’s children from irreversible “gender” surgeries and prevents men from participating in women’s sports. AFW released the following statement: “Fortunately for Ohio’s children, the Ohio State Legislature was looking […]

AFW Statement: Governor Hobbs has Failed Arizona

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Works Executive Director Ashley Hayek released the following statement in response to Governor Katie Hobbs’ (D-AZ) State of the State Address and how she has failed the people of Arizona: “Since assuming office, Governor Katie Hobbs of Arizona has failed to protect children or advance policies that will help families in […]

Statement on the Colorado State Supreme Court’s Attack on the Rights of the American people:

The court’s unprecedented move to bar former President Donald Trump from the 2024 Colorado primary ballot is a blatant display of judicial overreach and political bias. This decision, made by a divided court in one of our nation’s most liberal states, is a chilling example of how far certain factions will go to silence a […]

AFW Urges Governor DeWine to Sign SAFE Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – America First Works (AFW) is calling on Governor Mike DeWine (R-OH) to sign H.B. 68, the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which protects Ohio’s children from irreversible “gender” surgeries and prevents men from participating in women’s sports. AFW released the following statement: “Protecting children from the Left’s gender lunacy and saving women’s […]

AFW: Speaker Johnson Will Be the America First Leader the Nation Needs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Works (AFW) released the following statement applauding the election of Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-04) as the 56th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives: “Americans have been looking for leadership in the House that will champion policies that prioritize the American people — someone who will put the people’s interests […]

STATEMENT: AFW Will Score the House Speaker Race

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Works (AFW) announced that AFW will be releasing scores for the House Speaker race: “It’s time for the House to finalize the speaker and elect a leader who will put America First. AFW will score the votes on the Speaker race to ensure the American people can see exactly where […]

NEW BOOK LAUNCH: ‘Beat the Elites’ by AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, America First Works Executive Director Ashley Hayek launched her new book “BEAT THE ELITES” available at and Amazon, which exposes a pattern taking shape in Washington—the “elites” waging war on the American people. Here is what people are saying: “Ashley Hayek echoes the spirit of our nation’s forefathers with her compelling and resounding […]

AFW Applauds the Departure of America Last Politicians

“AFW and all Americans are celebrating the retirement of U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney! Throughout his career, Romney has certainly shown us a distinct vision of America—one that champions globalism, empowers conglomerates, and leans into the establishment, often against the will of the American people. Like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Jeff Flake, and many others, Mitt […]

AFW Statement: Indict Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and All Election-Denying Democrats Too

“What happened to free speech? What happened to the ability of Americans to exercise their First Amendment right? This latest flimsy Trump indictment doubles down on tyranny and attacks our constitutional right to free speech and political dissent. It is not unconstitutional to question an election or even lobby elected officials. Nor is it a […]

Turning Point Action & America First Works Launch “Chase The Vote Alliance” a Strategic Partnership for Voter Mobilization

WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA – In an unprecedented move, Turning Point USA’s sister organization, Turning Point Action, and the America First Policy Institute’s sister organization, America First Works, are joining forces to create a massive effort over the next 16 months to recruit, train, and mobilize thousands of grassroots activists to register and turn out voters: […]

AFW Applauds Supreme Court Decision to End Unconstitutional Affirmative Action

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Works Executive Director Ashley Hayek released the following statement in response to the United States Supreme Court’s decisions in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina: “The Supreme Court righted a decades-long wrong today by […]

America First Works: Impeach Mayorkas

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congress voted today to refer an impeachment resolution against President Biden as a result of his mismanagement of our southern border. America First Works issued the following statement on the matter: “We commend our America First allies in Congress for pursuing a responsible, thoughtful, and all-of-the-above approach to hold the Biden Administration accountable […]

Statement on the Indictment of President Trump by Biden’s Corrupt DOJ

“The same day it’s revealed that Biden took a $5 million Burisma bribe in Ukraine, the corrupt Biden DOJ decides to indict President Trump on made-up charges. It’s not a coincidence; it’s a coverup. This is nothing more than political persecution and revenge against an opponent, which should frighten every American. Nor should this go […]

AFW Statement on Senator Tuberville’s Block of Pentagon Nominees

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Works Executive Director, Ashley Hayek, released the following statement regarding Senator Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) efforts to stand firm against the Department of Defense’s (DoD) radical abortion policy, blocking promotions by unanimous consent: “Senator Tuberville is righteously fighting to stop the DoD from spending taxpayer dollars on elective abortions. The Pentagon is […]

ICYMI: AFW Calls on President Biden and the Senate to Support the Limit, Save, Grow Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – America First Works (AFW) calls on President Biden and the U.S. Senate to quickly get behind the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, passed by the House of Representatives last month. This legislation is the best path forward for the country in raising the debt ceiling. AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek released […]

AFW Applauds the NC Legislature for Overriding the Governor’s Veto of the “Care for Women, Children, and Families Act”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Works (AFW) praised the North Carolina General Assembly for overriding Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of S.B. 20, which cares for women, children, and families, creating a culture of life and opportunity for North Carolina families. AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek released the following statement in support of yesterday’s vote: “The North […]

AFW Celebrates South Carolina’s Transparency and Integrity in Education Win

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, the South Carolina legislature overwhelmingly passed H.B. 3728, the Transparency and Integrity in Education Act, which ensures that parents have more control over their child’s education. America First Works (AFW) proudly supports this win for South Carolina families, as it will bring transparency, accountability, and integrity to the state’s education system. South […]

AFW Denounces Governor Katie Hobbs’ Veto Agenda

Washington, D.C. – Last week, Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed House Bill 2552, which would have banned Ranked Choice Voting throughout Arizona. To date, she has vetoed more than 60 bills. America First Works Executive Director Ashley Hayek released the following statement denouncing her actions: “Arizona’s overwhelming distrust of the election system has been worsened by Governor […]

AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek on the Weaponization of Government Against Former President Trump

“If they can come after a former president on baseless charges, they can come after you. This indictment is a horrific abuse of power and every honest person knows it. In America, we don’t weaponize the government against political opponents. That’s what third-world countries do. But that’s exactly what this Soros-funded prosecutor out of Manhattan […]

AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek on the Urgency of Passing the Lower Energy Costs Act

Washington, D.C. – Today, America First Works (AFW) released a statement regarding the urgency of passing House Republicans’ Lower Energy Costs Act, H.R. 1, which will help American families with the increased cost of living in the Biden economy. AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek said the following: “President Biden started a war on American energy, and […]

AFW Urges the Georgia Legislature to Pass “The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act”

Washington, D.C. – Today, America First Works Executive Director Ashley Hayek released the following statement supporting The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, led by State Senator Greg Dolezal and Lt. Governor Burt Jones, and urging the Georgia Legislature to send it to Governor Brian Kemp’s desk immediately: “For too long, education freedom has been denied for many […]

AFW Executive Director Ashley Hayek on the Weaponization of Government Against Americans

“Over the past three years, we have seen the Biden Administration turn the American Dream into our worst nightmare. The radical Left, political elite, and legacy media — the SWAMP — have unveiled their true intentions. They have weaponized the government against the rest of America. We now have a two-tiered justice system that is […]

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